June Meeting Update
We had 6 of 18 show up for the meeting, plus one
member-at-large and a newbie. Thank you to all you attended! We will no longer be having formal monthly meetings.
We have a few volunteers to help newbies....Barnstable, Bourne, Falmouth are covered. Please let me know if you are willing to be a contact for newbies in your school district.
Information will be shared on our website, through e-mail and the Yahoo Group.
Contact Lizzie to be added to the Yahoo Group if you aren't already on it and would like to be.
If you are not receiving e-mails please let Lizzie & myself know so we can add it to the group address. You may need to go to Yahoo Groups and go to "edit membership" at the top of the page and make sure your have it set to receive individual emails and not web only.
If you no longer want to receive e-mails please also let us know.
If you don't hear from anyone please let us know, sometimes there is a glitch.
If you have an idea for any activity please send it out on the Yahoo group. All you do is send a normal email to capecodpace@yahoogroups.com. Please note you will not be able to do so unless you are on the loop.
This can be as simple as a park or beach day or a Mom's night out or as involved as International Night. If you want to organize a class, an outing or anything we encourage you to do so! Put it out on the loop!
Lori will still organize the Stanford Testing in April 2013. (Dates will be Barnstable Spring Break) All are welcome. There will be a $25 testing fee per family.
We will also have a 2013 Used Book Sale the third Wednesday in June with set up the night before at Christ Chapel.
Cash only at any event is the easiest unless otherwise stated or agreed upon.
Our website and calendar will be kept up to date always. Please bookmark or favorite it for easy access.